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The Slow Dance of Change ~ part 3

By Sage Lynn Knight

…The path of powerful change is not masculine or feminine, action or stillness, but the beautiful life force created by the slow dance of the two, with an awareness of our center, our hara, our tan tien, our belly, as the fulcrum upon which the compass needle is balanced. How do we do that? Slowly. By bringing the masculine life spark into the feminine stillness, the feminine intuitive power into the masculine action.

When we sit and breathe, and surrender the mind to the breath, with nothing to do, we attain clarity. When we breathe into the heart, we connect to what we love. When we move into the world from that place, our meditative time is not simply something on our schedule, but the way we inform our day. When we move slowly enough to notice what is really happening in ourselves, in our bodies and in all around us, we experience the magic of a slow dance, and who does not love a good slow dance? We deeply notice our partner. There is contact, connection, and presence with one another. The subtle movements are noticed and hold power, and we feel the aliveness of new possibilities.

What would happen if today, you release all pressure of making the right choice, of doing the right thing, of producing the perfect result, and at the same time, you take one small step in the direction of what matters most to you? As you take that step, you listen to your body. You feel into your belly and your heart. You notice your breathing. When you go slowly enough, you can hear your body telling you where to go. It takes courage to listen! It takes courage to dance. It takes surrender. And it takes practice. The more you practice, the more you will trust yourself, and the more you will enjoy. Fortunately, your partner is divine.

Sage Lynn Knight is a licensed spiritual counselor, Director of the Agape Women’s Ministry, and fine jewelry designer who is deeply committed to Peace on the Planet through the empowerment of our direct intuitive connection to Source. For a free evaluation of your own Belly Power, take the Belly Power Quiz at www.GenerationsOfWomen.com. While there, be sure to peruse the gorgeous selection of Belly Power Pendants, all with beautiful bellies!