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The Slow Dance of Change ~ part 1

By Sage Lynn Knight

We live in a time of great dynamic change. How do we live in this time with power and wellbeing, creating change consciously versus being at the effect of it? We have this amazingly sensitive instrument called a woman’s body. Let’s explore its beauty and power in the area of change.

Once upon a time, all of the earth’s religions were based on feminine principles. The earliest religious artifacts are images of women’s bodies. Why? Because we performed the holiest and most powerfully practical function in town – birth. And we appeared to do it without any assistance from men. As a race, we were not always hip to the link between sex and birth. After all, sex did not always lead to a baby. What was obvious was the cessation of menstrual flow during pregnancy and the fact that all babies came from the women. Birth was necessary for the tribe’s continuance, and women were revered.

At the same time, we saw the connection between women and the earth. A woman’s body provided everything necessary for the baby and the earth provided everything necessary for us all. This may be why we tend to treat the earth and women with equal levels of honoring. A father carries the pattern in that almost invisible seed he plants; a mother is the very material from which our bodies are formed.

How are you like the earth?
Are you juicy like ripe fruit bursting with life?
Are you solid, like a mountain, strong in your convictions?
Are you deeply rooted in the rich soil of your mother’s teachings, like an oak tree?
How are you like the earth…?

Sage Lynn Knight is a licensed spiritual counselor, Director of the Agape Women’s Ministry, and fine jewelry designer who is deeply committed to Peace on the Planet through the empowerment of our direct intuitive connection to Source. For a free evaluation of your own Belly Power, take the Belly Power Quiz at www.GenerationsOfWomen.com. While there, be sure to peruse the gorgeous selection of Belly Power Pendants, all with beautiful bellies!